Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Pretty love songs...

A large, Maori man, in stubbies and complete with facial tattoos is not normally the image you would conjure up when you think of love songs. But, in Wellington, anything goes. I encountered this man busking on the waterfront the other day, and I thought he had some very valid things to say. Songs about love and peace may be a little bit cliche, and his message about Tuhoe controversial, but this man, having spent the last twenty years "up the coast" was absolutely genuine. 
The olive branch he had tattooed on his face was striking, and I thought very symbolic, considering we so frequently, and perhaps wrongly, associate facial tattoos with gangs and violence. And after all, if you have the commitment to tattoo the quintessential symbol of peace, right across your face, how can you not be genuinely committed to the cause? 
I sat and watched him for quite some time, but here's just a snippet...

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