Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Blowing Bubbles...

Yet again, Wellington put on a stunner. For all our complaints, when Wellington does do sunshine, it does it well. Gloriously even. Needless to say, my attempts to study were way-laid by certain invitations for cider, coffee, stone-grill and sitting beside the lagoon on bean bags. I've come to the unfortunate conclusion however, that whenever my camera battery dies, the potential photo opportunities increase exponentially, much to my intense frustration. I'm so used to having my camera in hand that I constantly see photos everywhere, regardless of whether I have it with me or not.

Today, while catching up with an old friend and sipping a flat white a man stood on the end of the Oriental Parade jetty, making giant detergent bubbles which floated smoothly into the autumn air. Of course, my camera chose that precise moment to kark it. Luckily I managed to snap it on my friend's camera.

Spend your autumn blowing bubbles, kicking leaves with your feet and your head in the clouds.

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